Cheers, CALAS-HP
and welcome to CALA's High-Performance web-site.
Here are a few facts about what we do and don't. In short what we do is repair and service Harley-Davidson motorcycles. We have quite a large selection of spare-parts and a nice workshop in which we can do just about any type of machine-work you can think of. We also produce some own parts like the CHP oilpump,o-ring manifold for UL and other obsolite engine parts. What we don't do is sell a lot of chrome parts and less vital accessories. When building engines we blueprint and uppgrade to modern technology.
We have also, due to our limited space, quit selling new motorcycles. Instead we restore Harley's 1936-1964 down to the last screw as those were made at the MOTOR COMPANY
Vintage Racing is our passion
"It shall stay together at full throttle"

Detail of Cala's restored house